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fennec fox

  • 网络耳廓狐
fennec foxfennec fox
  1. The Fennec fox 's huge ears serve the same purpose .


  2. Of interest is that the Fennec Fox is an alternative pet .


  3. Someday , the Fennec Fox may become a mainstream commercially-available pet !


  4. The fennec fox is not a native species to China , and buying and selling the animal must go through a series of qualifying procedures .


  5. Recently , there was a news story of a father in Beijing who planned to buy his daughter a fennec fox as a pet .


  6. The fennec fox was listed in the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species and it is prohibited to buy or sell the animal without authorization in China .


  7. The fennec fox belongs to Appendix II , and the red fox to Appendix III. It is illegal to sell or purchase fennec foxes online under any circumstances in China .


  8. The fennec fox is the smallest of all the world 's foxes , but its large ears , measuring 6 inches ( 15 centimeters ) , appear to be on loan from a bigger relative.They have huge , bat-like ears to radiate body heat and help them keep cool in the Sahara heat .
